Friday, February 11, 2011

A Good day

I'm feeling good today. The baby actually slept in her swing for a couple hours yesterday and I got a lot done. Today she is back to napping in my lap while I eat lunch, as I didn't get a chance to eat breakfast. But it's ok cuz I'm in a super mood and feel so loved. I desperately need a shower and to brush my teeth, but I'll settle for getting out of jammies before I pick up Julie from school. I need to show her where to wait in front so I can just drive up to get her and not worry about what I'm wearing or the grease factor of my hair.

We're trying cloth diapers. Another way to save money. I'm feeling especially frugal ordering them online for the same amount as a large box of disposables. And I got free shipping. I even got a couple for the pool.

I'll be using tax refund money to get the next size carseat and purchase materials to make my own laundry detergent. That should be interesting and will probably be a blog on its own. I'm thinking it won't explode on me like the homemade all-purpose cleaner. I'll wrap up my "yay me" blog, as I am spilling cold lentil soup (nice and thick, as it was left to boil for a good 10 minutes while I changed a diaper, then didn't get to eat it for half an hour after that) all over us. And we need to leave in an hour to get Julie. Still a good day!

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